Infrastructure Report Card

Although climate change is considered a global crisis and impacts the security of the world’s nations, many of the natural resource, public health and infrastructure impacts associated with climate change are being addressed on a local community level.

2021 Goals

COMPLETE: Drive forward the next steps of the cross-departmental Sustainable Infrastructure Steering Committee to propose city code changes to resolve the barriers and capitalize on opportunities for green infrastructure.

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This steering committee is meeting regularly to review policy opportunities.

COMPLETE: Create a Construction Mitigation Fund policy to support businesses adjacent to and impacted by City-led construction.

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The Department of Economic Development piloted the Construction Mitigation Fund this year that supported 38 businesses. The Department of Economic Development will evaluate future opportunities based on outcomes.  

IN PROGRESS: Develop initial design for a “Green Loop” trail/park system that would encircle downtown. The project would enhance the physical, mental, and social health of urban residents, improve transportation choices for residents and visitors, and spur sustainable growth.

COMPLETE: Continue the implementation of a system of complete streets with urban trails and the next generation of protected bike lanes. The goal is to make the City more walkable and make biking a safer, more comfortable activity for people of all ages and abilities.

COMPLETE: Support the RDA’s completion and implementation of its sustainability loan interest rate reduction thresholds and criteria

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The Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City announced its sustainable development policy, which requires new buildings funded by the to be more energy efficient, all-electric, and climate friendly. Find more info here.

IN PROGRESS: Continue work with the Utah Inland Port Authority to establish a Memorandum of Understanding to protect our air and water and plan for a municipal facility to service public infrastructure in the area.

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The City presented UIPA with a draft LOI early in 2021. We are continuing to work with UIPA to try to make progress on this agreement.

COMPLETE: Complete the Local Link evaluation of transit options to connect Sugarhouse to Millcreek and possibly Holladay.

COMPLETE: Continue work with UTA to evaluate Downtown SLC rail alternatives that include the addition of a light rail alignment through the Granary on 400 West.

COMPLETE: Launch alleyway adoption pilot program to increase safety, non-vehicular transportation, and creatively maximize underutilized space.