Our Environment
2023 Report
Work with the City’s Sustainable Infrastructure Steering Committee to draft and propose internal policy requiring capital projects to consider environmental justice impacts and incorporate green and sustainable infrastructure.
CompletePropose updating City Code to better reflect the City’s comprehensive vision for sustainability, climate resiliency, and environmental justice.
CompleteIn partnership with the UDEQ, incentivize businesses in Salt Lake City to phase in electrified landscape maintenance equipment.
CompletePropose a budget to facilitate the launch of a City-led air quality incentives program, which could include resident rebates for landscaping equipment, indoor air quality tools, and e-bikes.
CompleteBegin implementation of Dark Skies recommendations developed in September 2022 by the interdepartmental Dark Sky Working Group.
In ProgressSeek funding to conduct a top-to-bottom review of water usage at every City facility to identify and eliminate inefficiencies.
CompleteUpdate and adopt a new Drought and Water Shortage Contingency Plan, positioning the city to be more responsive to and resilient in the face of climate change and ongoing drought.
In ProgressPrepare an updated Water Supply and Demand Plan that integrates new water commitments for the Great Salt Lake.
CompleteSupport moving forward federal protections for the Central Wasatch.
CompletePrioritize replacement of lead and copper water pipes in Title I schools.
CompleteDevelop and implement a citywide tree watering outreach campaign to educate and encourage the public to “Choose Trees” for the preservation of the City’s vital urban forest canopy.
CompleteComplete Foothills Trails Master Plan evaluation and Plan addendum in collaboration with key stakeholders and indigenous leaders.
In ProgressWork with the Community Renewable Energy Agency and Rocky Mountain Power to finalize the Community Renewable Energy Program application and support its passage through the Public Services Commission.
In ProgressThrough the support of grant funding, facilitate installation of up to five solar systems with battery storage for westside, BIPOC owned businesses or nonprofits.
CompleteReduce barriers to urban food production and increase access to fresh, local produce with the design and construction of a new community garden at Rose Park Neighborhood Center and the City’s first urban orchard at 1100 W and the 9 Line Trail.
CompleteWork with indigenous leaders to explore opportunities for a cooperative management agreement and an indigenous garden at North Gateway Park (Warm Springs).
CompleteDevelop a comprehensive turf reduction plan for long term water savings across all six city Golf Courses with implementation beginning in 2024.